At The Cline Law Group, our Oakland foreclosure attorneys have focused exclusively on providing bankruptcy representation for 40 years. Our California legal team understands that losing a home to foreclosure can be devastating. That is why we devote our time, talent and resources to helping our clients stop and prevent foreclosures.
Stripping Second Mortgages
In addition to placing mortgage arrears into your Chapter 13 repayment plan to prevent foreclosure, you may also be able to remove a second consensual mortgage. It is important to note that even if your house goes through foreclosure, you may still be on the hook for your second mortgage. Cline Law can evaluate your situation from every angle to help you appropriately handle your second mortgage obligation.
Call for a Free Consultation With Our Contra Costa Mortgage Debt Attorneys
We can help you take the necessary steps to stop foreclosure. Contact our Oakland bankruptcy lawyers online or call 510-255- to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your situation. The Cline Law Group is across from the Federal Building and located in the same building as the bankruptcy courts for Alameda and Contra Costa Counties.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.