The process for filing a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is essentially the same. However, our attorneys customize our representation based on each client’s needs, and we may deviate from the standard processes or procedures when called for.
Before We File Your Petition
When you come to The Cline Law Group, the bankruptcy process begins with a free evaluation conducted by one our experienced lawyers. We will provide you with free credit reports and ask that you please bring in several years’ worth of the following for our initial consideration:
- Tax returns
- Pay stubs
- List of creditors
This enables us to perform an in-depth evaluation which helps us determine if bankruptcy is right for you, as well as whether a Chapter 7 vs. a Chapter 13 best suits your needs and goals. Once we determine the best course of action, we will begin gathering the appropriate facts and financial information needed to prepare your petition. When your petition has been prepared, we will discuss the forms in detail so you are informed of the next steps. After you sign the documents, we will file your case with the Bankruptcy Court.
After We File Your Petition
Roughly 30 to 45 days after filing your petition, you and your lawyer must attend at least one creditor hearing. After meeting with the creditors, we handle the rest of the details, issues and processes. A Chapter 7 discharge usually takes a few months, after which you can start to focus on rebuilding your credit.
A Chapter 13 repayment plan lasts three to five years, which means you need someone available to constantly review your information and prevent complications. During this period, we review creditor claims and deal with any objections. We file motions, when appropriate, and take all of the necessary steps to ensure the feasibility of your plan and the confirmation of your plan by the Bankruptcy Court.
Filing Bankruptcy in California? Call for a Free Consultation With Our Lawyers.
If you are considering filing for bankruptcy in California, speak with us to determine all of your options. Contact our Oakland debt relief attorneys online or call 510-464-8068 to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your situation. The Cline Law Group is across from the Federal Building and located in the same building as the bankruptcy courts for Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. Hablamos español.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.